Session 1: Keynote
``The Age of Content and Knowledge
Processing'', Makoto Nagao (National Institute of
Information and Communications Technology, Japan)
Dr. Makoto Nagao is a pioneer in machine translation,
natural language processing and image processing. He had
conducted many large projects and led them to success. In
addition to his distinguished achievements in those
research areas, he is the most prominent leader of digital
libraries research in Japan. Dr. Nagao developed a
prototype digital library system, "Ariadne", based on his
rich experiences in natural language processing and
artificial intelligence. He conducted digital library
development at Kyoto University Library which was one of
the first large digital library services in Japanese
university libraries.
Dr. Makoto Nagao is the President of National Institute of
Information and Communication Technology. He was the
President (1997-2003), Dean of Faculty of Engineering
(1997), and Director of University Library (1995-1997) of
Kyoto University. He has served as a president of various
major academic institutions and societies in Japan,
including Institute of Electronics, Information and
Communication Engineers (1998-1999) and Information
Processing Society of Japan (1999-2000). He has been the
President of Japan Library Association since 2002. He has
received many awards including Purple Ribbon Medal by the
Japanese government (1997), NHK Broadcast Cultural Award
(1998), Lifetime Achievement Award from Association for
Computational Linguistics (2003), Japan Prize from the
Science and Technology Foundation of Japan (2005).
Session 10: Keynote and Invited Talks
``Indexing all the worlds books: Future
directions and challenges for Google Book Search'', Daniel
Clancy (Google, USA)
abstract: Google Book Search is an ambitious project
started by Google to realize a dream that the founders of
Google have had since they were students at Stanford. This
dream is to make all the worlds information fully searchable
to create a universal digital library. There are of course
numerous technical challenges that must be addressed to
accomplish this goal. The first one is the ability to scan
the books in a scalable manner. Once the books have become
available, however, there is a rich set of research challenges
that must be addressed to organize this information. In this
talk, I will talk about some of the challenges already
addressed and will discuss future directions for Google Book
search and the research challenges that exist for the field of
Digital Libraries.
Dr. Daniel J. Clancy, PhD, is the Engineering Director
for Google Book Search. The goal of the Google Book Search
project is to digitize the world's books and make them
searchable online. Google is working with both publishers
and libraries as part of this project. Prior to coming to
Google in January 2005, Dr. Clancy was the Director of the
Exploration Technologies Directorate at NASA Ames Research
Center. The Directorate supports over 700 people performing
both basic and applied research in a diverse range of
technology areas intended to enable both robotic and human
exploration missions. Technology areas include Intelligent
Systems, High-end Computing, Human-Centered Systems,
Bio/Nanotechnology, Entry Systems and others. In this role,
Dr. Clancy played numerous roles at the agency level
including participating in the team that developed the
agency's plan to return men to the Moon and eventually
Mars. Dr. Clancy received his PhD from the University of
Texas at Austin in artificial intelligence. While in school,
Dr. Clancy also worked at Trilogy Corporation, the NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory and Xerox Webster Research
center. Dr. Clancy received a Bachelor of Arts from Duke
University in 1985 in computer science and theatre.